


terjemah inggris indonesiaOne little head so smooth and round,
Kepala kecil licin dan bulat,
With soft hair covered, golden or brown,
Berambut lembut, coklat atau pirang,
One little forehead smooth and white,
Kening mungil halus dan pucat,
Two little eye-brows dark or light.
Dua baris alis gelap atau terang. 
Two little eyes that we see through.
Dua mata kecil memandang.
See us looking, now, at you?
Lihatlah aku melihat padamu sekarang.
Two little cheeks so plump and round,
Dua pipi mungil ranum dan bulat,
Where the red rose of health is found.
Merah mawar warnanya berarti sehat.
Two little ears where sound comes in;
Di dua telinga kecil suara datang;
One little nose and mouth and chin.
Satu dagu, mulut, dan hidung.
Rows of little teeth all in white;
Gigi putih kecil berbaris melintang;
Ready for use when lunch is in sight.
Siap bekerja untuk santap siang. 
One little tongue kind words to say—
Satu lidah selalu berkata baik,
Bright little smiles which round them play.
Saat bermain merekah senyum cilik,
One little head where all are seen.
Di satu kepala mungil semua terpandang.
One little neck which stands between
Satu leher berdiri terpancang
Head and shoulders to hold them fast.
Diantara kepala dan bahu dan mengikat kencang.
Now are we ready to find, at last,
Akhirnya kita temukan,
One little body with arms and hands
Satu tubuh kecil dengan lengan dan tangan,
Two legs and two feet on which it stands.
Di dua kaki semua ditahan.

Sumber : Cinderella; or, The Little Glass Slipper and Other Stories, www.guttenberg.org

Interpretasi puisi dalam bahasa Indonesia oleh Raqim.